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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

REALMS Associate Team
DIVERSITY Associate Team

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs


The Tassili project (N° MDU 17MDU988 - Campus France N° 37459VF) “Gestion des caches et orchestration intelligentes dans un environnement réseau virtulaisé” is a project in collaboration with Algeria and France. On the French side, the project is leaded by Samia Bouzefrane (associated professor at CNAM) and Paul Muhlethaler (EVA team Inria). On the Algerian side is leaded by the University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO) représented by Mehammed Daoui (associated professor).

This project will start in January 2017 and will last three years. Three PhD theses will be conducted in co-tutelle between CNAM and UMMTO. This project will support the stay of the tree PhD candidates for a four months visit in France. These two PhD theses will be co-directed by Paul Muhlethaler. The first subject is “New intelligent caching and mobility strategies for MEC/ICN based architectures” and the second subject concern the design of a safe architecture for Name Data Networking.

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners

Participation in Other International Programs